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What is Theme?

A theme is the central subject of a narrative. The theme of a narrative can be categorized into two basic types: its thematic statement and its thematic concept. The latter is what readers assume the work is about, while the former…

What is Propaganda?

In today's world, a lot of false news is being circulated to influence public opinion. This information comes in many forms and has become increasingly challenging to detect. It can be in the form of negative remarks by leaders or…

What Is Value?

Value is a measure of importance. It is used to describe how important different things are and to determine the right action to take. There are several ways to measure value. These include Intrinsic and Book values. Let's look at some…

What Is Qualitative Research?

Qualitative research has some distinct advantages over quantitative research. Compared with the latter, it tends to focus on data extracted from a local context rather than an abstract scale. This means that data from a survey tends to have…

A Beginner’s Guide to a JSON Tutorial

If you're wondering what JSON is, you've come to the right place. JSON is a lightweight data transfer format that reads data from a web server. It is easy to parse and store data in a single file, making it a popular application choice. In…

Power Apps Tutorial

Power Apps is a great way to build robust, interactive websites. Power Apps can be embedded in SharePoint or used as standalone applications. Here are some tips for getting started with Power Apps. The first step is to get a Microsoft…

How to Use a Splunk Tutorial

If you've never heard of Splunk, you might be slightly confused about how to use it. While the concepts are easy to understand, you'll need to learn a bit about its querying language and standard operations. Once you have the language…

A Shuffle Dance Tutorial

If you're looking for a shuffle dance tutorial, you've come to the right place. Not only will you learn how to do it, but you'll also learn its health benefits. This dance is perfect for a night out with friends or at a bar. TikTok shuffle…

Learn How to Make Music With an FL Studio Tutorial

The FL Studio tutorial will help you make music in FL Studio. It teaches you how to create drum beats, use organic instruments, and get your melody from your head into FL Studio. It also covers plugins and getting started. It will make…