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What is Identity?

Identity is a collective set of traits, qualities, and beliefs that characterize a person or group. It also includes one's appearance and facial expressions. The process of developing identity is a lifelong one. It is a reflection of the…

What Is Marketing Mix?

Marketing is the process of promoting a product, service, or idea. Traditionally, this process revolved around price, place, and promotion. Today, it's often described as the collection of marketing tools that a company uses to reach its…

What is Pink Eye?

Pink eye is a common infection that bacteria or viruses can cause. Some types are pretty contagious. Other types can be triggered by allergens or pollen. These eye infections can be quite itchy and can be caused by the release of a chemical…

Humorous and Funny Quiz Questions

A funny quiz can be an entertaining way to test your knowledge. However, don't make the questions too complicated, or the atmosphere may become too serious. Instead, use some silly questions that people won't be able to resist answering.…

Examples of Music Quiz Questions

Music quiz questions are an excellent way to test your knowledge about different artists. Some examples of good questions for music quizzes are Trivia Question, Bands of the World, Britney Spears, Pearl Jam, and more. Creating quizzes can…

What is an Unsaturated Solution?

A solution is a mixture of dissolved solute and a solvent. Its concentration is determined by the amount of solute dissolved in a given volume or mass of the solvent. A dilute solution has a lower concentration than a concentrated solution.…

GK Questions and Answers

If you're looking for GK questions and answers, you've come to the right place! Whether you're preparing for a bank, government, or any other kind of exam, GK Quiz can help you prepare for your next exam. GK Quiz questions and answers are…