What is Theme?


A theme is the central subject of a narrative. The theme of a narrative can be categorized into two basic types: its thematic statement and its thematic concept. The latter is what readers assume the work is about, while the former describes what the work says about its subject. Of course, a work may have a combination of both types.

Story themes

Story themes are the central ideas in a story. Without them, the story loses focus and can veer off into other subjects. Good stories have a central theme that ties the plot together and enriches the reading experience. These themes are universal, and they are reflected in all human stories. For example, a story about a wealthy American tycoon in the Jazz Age who realizes that money cannot buy happiness could have a theme about the demise of the American dream.

Another theme for a story is good versus evil. This is a common theme, and it has been around for ages. Most good-vs-evil stories involve conflict between good and evil, with the excellent side usually coming out on top. Another popular theme in stories is love, which almost every human being seeks in one way or another.


Symbols are a great way to bring a story together. However, they should be used wisely and related to your story’s theme. A butterfly, for example, conveys the theme of freedom, and a mockingjay, on the other hand, conveys the theme of power. In the Great Gatsby, both of these symbols are prominent. They appear in characters’ names, dialogue, and pins.

The theme of a novel is the message that the author wants to convey to readers. It can be broken down into major themes and minor themes. Usually, the major theme is the central idea and message of a story, while minor themes are messages that support the central theme. The use of symbols and props can help illuminate these ideas.


One way to define a theme is by looking at a work of literature. For example, Stephen King’s The Shining is about alcoholic Jack Torrance, a young man who dreams of writing novels. The plot of this novel revolves around his struggles with alcoholism and how he finally ends up being hammered in the face by a roque mallet.

A literary movement’s theme often reflects critical historical issues. In the Modernist movement, for example, themes focused on meaning in life. The devastation of World War I challenged traditional morality and religion. Horror and terror are also common themes.


Themes are universal ideas, messages, and experiences expressed in a story. For instance, John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, about tenant farmers in Oklahoma, explores the inhumanity of capitalism and the importance of family. This theme recurs throughout the book and leads the reader to conclude about human nature, human behaviour, and the role of the family in society.

Themes are an essential part of all literature, and every writer makes their work about a particular subject. Some significant themes are moral values, alienation, or the triumph of true love.


Repetition is a literary device that creates emphasis on a word or phrase. This device is effective in increasing attention to a particular idea, and it also increases clarity. In addition, repetition can create a memorable effect. Read on to learn how to use repetition in your writing.

Dickens uses repetition in several ways. One example is the use of repeated phrases to stress the importance of a theme. A story can also use sound and visual repetition.

Abstract idea or concept

When we talk about a subject, we tend to talk about it in terms of theme and concept. A theme is the central subject of a piece of writing, and a concept is a more limited idea of that subject. Of course, concepts and themes are related, but some key differences exist.

A concept can be defined as a “general idea, a single thing, or a group of related things”. It is also an abstraction that has no definite instantiation. This makes it easier to distinguish abstract ideas from concrete ones.