The Best Food For Survival


When stockpiling food for an emergency, look for calorically dense items – they’re lightweight, easy to store, and provide a fast energy boost in a crisis. Read the Best info about long term food stores.

Canned meats are an integral component of any prepper’s pantry. Not only are they long-lasting on shelves, but they provide essential protein during times of emergency.

Canned Vegetables

Food that will ensure survival should contain essential vitamins and minerals, like canned vegetables. Canned veggies provide vitamin A, folic acid, potassium, fiber, protein, and iron. Proper storage can extend their shelf life up to 2 years when selecting high-quality veggies without sodium or added sugars.

Stockpiling canned meat can provide nutritious and versatile emergency nutrition in times of disaster. At the same time, freeze-dried proteins have also proven themselves as reliable food supplies over the past decade or two, offering all the nutrition of fresh meat without refrigeration or freezing – they can even last three or four years when stored correctly in cool and dry locations!

Maintaining an emergency food storage with various foods will help stave off “appetite fatigue.” This refers to when people lose interest in eating the same meal repeatedly, even though it provides essential nutrition. One way to overcome this is by selecting meals with quick prep methods – such as the ReadyWise survival food kit, which includes 60 servings that require only boiling water to prepare!

Dried beans are a timeless survival food staple, yet they can be challenging to prepare in an emergency. Even with presoaking, it takes an hour or more and consumes energy and water resources. To streamline their preparation process, consider purchasing canned beans instead – Nutrient Survival’s high-quality offerings are free from MSG and GMOs; additionally, their meals come packaged in oxygen-absorbed-equipped resealable bags with over 25-year shelf lives!

Canned Meat

Canned meat may not provide high caloric intake, but it can still give essential survival protein. To ensure you have plenty of food that can last throughout your pantry for days without spoiling, stockpiling various canned varieties like smoked chicken breast, Vienna sausages, potted meats, canned pork, and cured ham is your best bet for long-term protein provision.

Keep non-perishable milk on hand in your pantry as an emergency essential, just in case fresh dairy products become unavailable. Consider pasteurized and powdered varieties that can be stored without refrigeration – this will provide critical nutrition in an emergency.

Rice, pasta, beans, canned fruits, and vegetables should also be stored in bulk and kept in airtight containers or jars to preserve freshness and prevent spoilage. Canned fruits and vegetables that can be eaten raw could also be helpful if cooking becomes unavailable.

Consider stockpiling non-perishable snacks such as canned peanut butter or dried fruit for quick energy boosts and soothing sore throats. Honey is another essential item, offering nourishment and antibacterial protection during emergencies.


Honey is one of the essential survival foods to have on hand. With an extended shelf life and multiple uses such as sweetening coffee, tea, oatmeal, or bread, its long shelf life also allows it to last well during an emergency. Its antibacterial properties will soothe sore throats if someone in your group gets sick!

Honey starts its life off as flower nectar collected by bees and then converted to simple sugars through fermentation by the bees before being stored in honeycombs explicitly designed to keep it. As bees fanning around these honeycombs evaporate their stored nectar, the sweet liquid we know as honey forms gradually over time; its flavor and color depend on which bees collect flowers.

Select organic, unpasteurized varieties with more robust flavors that crystallize faster if you want to store honey. Furthermore, local or regional honey may provide benefits by supporting bee colonies nearby while guaranteeing you receive top-quality products. Opt for comb honey – still in its honeycomb, cut into pieces, and sold directly to consumers – as a higher-quality option.

Peanut butter and protein bars should be in your emergency food storage, providing much-needed fat and protein while being easily transported if the situation requires. Whole grain crackers are an excellent source of fiber; not only that, they have longer shelf lives than most types of bread and are easier to carry around than prepackaged varieties. Opt for vacuum-sealed versions; their fresher taste and more appealing texture may offer security against future emergencies.


Sugar is essential in survival situations for providing energy. Its antioxidant and antibacterial properties make it a necessary addition to your emergency food supply. When stored correctly, honey lasts virtually forever as an excellent source of sweet flavor; adding it to bland survival foods will add much-needed zest!

Peanut butter, rich in fat and protein, makes an excellent survival food to stockpile for long-term storage. Always choose high-quality brands when selecting a brand without artificial ingredients or preservatives.

Additionally, other emergency foods to store should include flour, sugar, and salt. Flour is beneficial since it can be mixed with water to form dough for various foods; plus, it’s packed with fibers and nutrients! Powdered milk storage may also prove handy, providing access to dairy when fresh milk is unavailable.

Crackers should also be included in your survival pantry as they offer longer shelf-life (especially when vacuum-sealed). For optimal nutrition, select whole-wheat or whole-grain crackers to get some fiber.

Another food to include as a survival staple is a hardtack, which sailors and pilots once widely ate. Made of high-grade grains and packed with calories to boost energy levels in times of crisis, hardtack is generally unappetizing; therefore, it would be wise to store it with some kind of sugary condiment like honey for improved taste.


Salt is an invaluable survival food, providing various uses, from improving flavor to helping preserve meats. Plus, it has an impressive shelf life of five years when stored correctly!

Flour is another essential survival food item for creating bread, cookies, cakes, and other baked products. Plus, it provides lots of energy during an emergency! Ideally, it would be best to buy in bulk and store in an airtight container until needed.

Dried vegetables offer a nutritious and cost-effective food source for survival, providing valuable sources of fiber and vitamins and being lightweight enough for easy storage in most grocery stores or online retailers.

Nutrient Survival is an emergency food company specializing in creating nutrient-dense meals designed to activate your body’s natural abilities to defend, heal, and perform. Their delicious foods are easy to prepare while boasting a long shelf life – an indispensable addition to any survival kit!

As disaster strikes, having a secure supply of survival food is of utmost importance. You should also remember the other items necessary for survival, such as water, shelter, and clothing, that you will require – not forgetting to reserve at least three days’ worth of emergency supplies just in case the unexpected strikes before replenishments can arrive.

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