Niger’s Coup and How it Affects Today Nigeria News


Nigeria’s government has made clear it will take swift action against ministers who fail to put Nigerian interests first. Get the Best information about NewsNow Nigeria.

The board of trustees for the New National Progressive Party has suspended Senator Rabiu Kwankwaso as its National Leader and 2023 Presidential Candidate.

Nigeria’s public schools are steadily declining in quality education. A volunteer book drive is taking steps to combat this downward spiral.

Niger’s coup

Niger’s Coup and Its Implications A low-profile military commander known as Abdourahmane Tchiani caused havoc across West Africa when members of his presidential guard overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum and placed him under house arrest, Tchiani also known as Omar, now leads a junta made up of soldiers that took power on 26 July; UN officials have expressed serious concerns for Bazoum’s well being while being detained at his Niamey residence basement.

Bazoum’s ouster has been widely condemned, with the US and EU suspending development aid, while the Economic Community of West African States threatened military intervention unless his office was restored. Unfortunately, Tchiani remains in power despite widespread public protests calling on her to step aside so Bazoum can return.

Defiance from the junta has further heightened concerns over its influence in the region, with Wagner’s boss hailing its coup and offering his fighters’ services for it. Additionally, its alliance with Russia may further complicate matters in the Sahel, where fighting Islamist extremism and curbing illegal migration to Europe are top concerns.

An isolated Niger would impede Western efforts to address regional issues and strain relations with Algeria – which has long supported Niger’s coup leaders – who have shown strong support. Posts on social media alleging Algeria will support foreign intervention into Niger via an account named Intel Kirby have not been confirmed by independent sources.

Nollywood’s Jade Osiberu

Jade Osiberu stands out in an industry dominated by men by her success. One of a handful of female producers who have successfully broken through and made an impressionable mark in the Nigerian film industry, male producers often view Nigerian women as weaklings; her films like Isoken, Fifty, Finding Hubby, and Lionheart King of Boys have helped shift that perception.

Osiberu stands out among Nollywood filmmakers with her ability to craft compelling narratives with strong senses of place and character. Interviewers highly regard her hard work ethic and dedication; Osiberu founded Greoh Studios after leaving software development as she discovered her passion for film-making.

Osiberu’s latest film, Gangs of Lagos, is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video as the American company’s inaugural African original. Set in Isale Eko — an area plagued with violence — Osiberu uses real characters and locations in her film for authenticity and credibility, believing in art’s power to impact social change. Her documentary, featuring directors like Kunle Afolayan, Richard Mofe-Damijo, and Shola Dada as featured directors, adds further knowledge about Nollywood’s contribution to global cinema.

Danfo drivers in Lagos

Nigeria’s largest city, Lagos, is an unbridled mess. Lagosians use words similar to what Eskimos use for snow: logjam, lockdown, holdup, gridlock, and deadlock for traffic problems. One major cause is yellow commercial buses known as Danfo that frequent the streets in droves.

Afeez* operates one of these buses – a leased Danfo that transports him and passengers from the motor park to the suburbs. On his route, he must deal with touts known as gabbros who follow behind and collect 100 Naira ($0.27) each time his bus passes their junctions – who help keep this system humming along smoothly. These men keep everything working.

Danfo drivers and conductors work tirelessly to accommodate as many passengers as possible before traffic gridlock sets in and to alleviate tension when disputes break out between passengers or commuters. Their teamwork is incredible to witness!

Though their lives may be challenging, drivers and conductors of Lagos buses possess an innate comic sense. They frequently mark their bus with humorous remarks – whether a joke, proverb, or life lesson – to provide needed laughs during traffic jams in Lagos. Such messages provide much-needed laughter and relief when traffic becomes gridlocked.

Motorcycle taxis in Lagos

Nigeria is estimated to have around 8 million commercial motorcycle drivers, which provides for its notoriously chaotic ride-hailing taxi industry known as okadas. They offer vital informal public transport across narrow, potholed streets without becoming bogged down in traffic jams – yet can sometimes cause fatal crashes, leading to their image as unreliable and risky being stigmatized as erratic and suicidal being disproved by statisticians and policymakers alike.

In June 2022, the governor of Lagos state banned okadas in six of its districts to reduce speeding and daring as they navigate the notoriously congested streets. His move followed similar bans enacted earlier that year.

But the recent crackdown has infuriated residents. Commuters who relied on okadas have taken to the streets in protest, while some have begun driving themselves to work, further increasing traffic congestion within their city.

Tech companies are working to address this problem. Last year, several apps were developed that enable users to connect with Okada riders without owning one themselves – without needing ORide as its first app launched – but have struggled due to local governments that refuse to enforce bans, instead resorting to physical punishment to implement them and often even slap drivers directly in the street!

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