Pathlightmgt Reviews – Is Pathlight Right For You?


If you’re looking for a great pathlightmgt review, you’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find information on the company’s reputation, 401K match, and star rating. Read through this review and decide for yourself whether it’s right for you.

1.3 star rating

Pathlight is a software company. It is headquartered in Plano, Texas. It provides an online service that enables users to create and edit content. The company offers a royalty-free, worldwide license.

Users can submit information to Pathlight through an online form or through any other media. The information may be published in a searchable format or in informational articles. However, Pathlight cannot monitor or remove content from public postings. If you believe that your material has been used in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, you may report it to Pathlight’s designated agent.

In addition to User Content, Pathlight may also host other content. This includes links to other third-party sites. As such, Pathlight makes no warranties about the content of these sites or the accuracy of the advertising on them.

While Pathlight strives to provide an error-free service, it does not guarantee that the Sites will function without interruption or error. This is due to factors such as interruptions in utility services, delays in obtaining materials, and unforeseen acts of God.

401K match

Pathlight Management has a 401K match program. They match your contributions up to a specified amount. However, there are some things to know about the program before signing up.

Among other things, the program requires users to pay a fee. You may also have to provide information about your income and expenses, as well as details about your current employer. Some of the data is collected by Pathlight and some of it is provided by you. For example, some of the information is used by Pathlight to help determine your eligibility for benefits. Other information is provided by third parties and is not controlled by Pathlight.

While there are no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information provided, Pathlight does its best to provide the highest quality of service possible. It is not responsible for unauthorized access to user records or for failures to perform its obligations. In the event of a dispute, Pathlight will use its best judgment to resolve the issue.

Management turned pathlight upside down

Pathlight is a company that helps companies monitor and manage employee performance. It also provides tools that enable managers to send data driven coaching to their employees.

For example, you can see the most efficient way to communicate with your team. In addition, Pathlight allows you to visualize your team’s performance.

For example, if you have an issue with a customer, Pathlight can automatically provide you with a list of options. Rather than waste time chasing down the customer, you can simply use the company’s tool to determine what the best course of action is.

On the flipside, you may have a work order you need to get fixed. Upon contacting the company, you will likely be met with a customer service representative who can provide more information. If you’re still not sure what to do, you can have the company’s technical support staff escalate the issue to the appropriate level.

Similarly, you can easily check your bill online. Pathlight’s website also makes it easy to sign up for a payment plan, and you can even find scholarships to help pay for your care.


Pathlight Management is a company that has earned a bad reputation for operating outside of the ethical practice of property management. It is also a company that has no real communication with its customers. Many of its employees have been accused of trying to extort legal fees from renters, retaliating against tenants who assert their rights under the Landlord/Tenant Act, and falsifying tenant payment ledgers. Nonetheless, Pathlight has over 6,000 single-family homes under contract. As a result, it is the fastest-growing property management firm in the US.

Home Partners of America, which is the property manager for Pathlight, operates in 27 states. The organization hides its investors behind over 50 LLCs. They offer an affordable health plan and match 401K contributions. But, despite this, Pathlight has a 1.3-star rating based on 156 customer reviews. Although the company is still growing, its reputation for shady practices and unprofessional attitude makes it undesirable for prospective property owners.