Swimming Pool Demolition


Swimming pool demolition can be dangerous work that involves heavy machinery. Therefore, professional contractors are best placed to handle this job safely and quickly. Select the best Stockton Demolition.

The first step to disassembling a pool is draining. Next comes the removal and transport of concrete/gunite, liner, fiberglass, and rebar before filling and compacting of the area where there was once an aboveground pool.

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Removing a swimming pool may be expensive, but it’s well worth the expense to free up valuable yard space. Every year, hundreds of homeowners make this decision in order to free up valuable real estate. Unfortunately, the process involves lots of work; hiring professionals may help avoid complications. They will drain and dispose of old water properly, disassemble concrete pool walls, disconnect electric or gas lines as necessary, and demolish using either jackhammers or excavator attachments before cutting any necessary rebar before sorting material for recycling in dumpsters on-site for further recycling – creating lots of dust during this process! However, homeowners should wear protective gear while undertaking this endeavor in order to minimize dust clouds for ultimate removal!

Permitting pool demolition is an integral step. Costing anywhere between $100 to $500 depending on the local municipality, professional pool demolishing services should obtain this permit for you and include it as part of their quote. You will also require junk removal services for debris that remains.

The price for full pool removals will depend on both its size and method of backfill. A complete removal includes everything in the pool cavity – concrete and rebar. It typically takes three to seven days, costing more than partial removal. Care must also be taken when selecting and compacting backfill material to prevent sinkage, swelling, or improper drainage.


Destroying a swimming pool may take some time, depending on its size. Once draining has occurred, the demolition crew will drain your pool before draining, breaking apart concrete slabs, and cutting rebar to make transporting them more accessible. They will also dismantle pumps and pipes and dispose of them according to environmental regulations – this process creates considerable dust, thus necessitating the wearing of protective eye and ear plugs.

Partial fill-in removal of pools is the preferred approach. After draining and draining again, holes are punched through its bottom before being filled in with soil – any remaining rubble is compacted further and covered over with more dirt if necessary. This approach is less costly than total removal and will ensure the future sales value of your home is maintained.

Complete pool removal involves more thorough procedures and may be more expensive, as all concrete (Gunite), liner, rebar, and fiberglass are removed from the old pool cavity and taken away for disposal. Once backfilled and compacted without engineering supervision, this space can still be used for sheds, landscaping projects, plants/tree planting, or even new swimming pool installations if the city considers this space non-buildable. Before hiring any contractor to conduct such removal work, permits must be in order, as this may have an impactful outcome on the cost and timeline of such a project.


Swimming pool demolition can be a complex endeavor that comes with many risks and considerations, including physical, environmental, and legal risks. Proper planning, hiring qualified contractors for site preparation, and following safety practices during demolition and post-demolition actions will help mitigate risks to ensure a smooth process.

Before demolition can begin, the pool must first be drained of its contents. Next, a contractor must disconnect any gas heaters, electrical lines, and water pumps before breaking apart all construction materials, such as Gunite concrete, fiberglass liners, and rebar, for disposal. Finally, backfilling soil will take place and compact it further to restore the site to its previous state.

Costs will depend on whether or not you opt for complete or partial removal; total demolition tends to be more expensive due to more materials needing to be disassembled and removed, as well as taking longer due to extra work involved with disconnecting plumbing lines, water lines, and electrical connections.

At the actual demolition stage, it’s crucial to use specialized equipment and employ trained workers in order to minimize risk and ensure everyone remains safe during work. Furthermore, demolition creates significant amounts of dust, so wearing protective gear and following any safety protocols will help keep everyone working at an acceptable level of health and safety.


Complete pool demolition requires draining the pool and breaking up all concrete, shotcrete, and tile structures in its vicinity. After draining and breaking apart these materials, backfilling and compacting will take place before covering them with clean dirt to conceal the site of the old pool completely. This process typically takes three to five days; exact timestamps depend on your contractor. This work must be undertaken by an insured and licensed demolition specialist so as to ensure safe completion.

Most cities and counties require permits for the demolition of swimming pools in most cases, with prices varying depending on where it takes place – sometimes as little as nothing to hundreds of dollars depending on where they occur. This ensures that demolished pool pieces are disposed of responsibly without endangering people or structures nearby.

Reusing the space where your swimming pool once stood offers multiple options, but be sure first to obtain any necessary permits. These could include turning it into a garden or installing a shed. When creating a garden, ensure it’s well-drained and compacted, as you may also require drainage pipes and sprinklers for proper functioning. When opting to turn it into a shed instead, however, be aware of your neighbors so they can remove outdoor furniture or any items lingering nearby in advance.

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