Is NerdWallet a Good Site?


NerdWallet is a financial website designed to assist people with making better financial decisions across many categories, from credit cards and savings accounts to home ownership and mortgage applications. Using its tools, users can track their credit score, cash flow, and net worth.

This site provides impartial ratings and advice about personal finance products, educational material, and calculators; however, it may receive referral fees from certain financial companies it promotes.

It offers a variety of financial calculators.

NerdWallet is a personal finance website offering educational content and tools to aid users in making financial decisions, including calculators for credit cards, mortgages, savings accounts, investments, and insurance policies. Its mobile app and website offer visually pleasing user interfaces to make financial decisions more straightforward.

This website also offers a free account management tool to enable users to track spending and save money more efficiently. This tool displays each user’s accounts and transactions, net worth, cash flow, and credit score, along with advice on improving one’s credit rating.

NerdWallet’s website and app offer impartial information that gives consumers confidence when making intelligent financial decisions. Their clear disclosure of how it makes money and where it gets its information from assures legitimacy, as do their high ratings on Trustpilot and other trusted consumer review sites, which add further evidence of credibility.

It offers a mobile app.

NerdWallet provides a mobile app that helps people keep tabs on their finances, track spending and bills, get tailored credit card offers, and receive financial advice – all free to use! Unlike many comparison websites that sell user data, NerdWallet doesn’t sell user info.

The mobile app boasts an intuitive design with many valuable tools for users. Users can view all their accounts at once and see an account balance summary; click individual transactions to view a full register with date, amount, location, and category details; edit or flag transactions as needed – plus there are even little emojis for every spending subcategory!

NerdWallet also reviews various financial products and services, such as checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and mortgages. Ratings and reviews are based on various criteria such as customer service quality, fees charged, and rates charged; users can even search by loan type to quickly locate the most suitable loan/bank options.

It offers financial advice.

NerdWallet provides comprehensive financial advice and tools, making it a go-to source for those seeking smarter choices when selecting credit cards or investing in IRAs. Both its website and app boast simple user experiences that are user-friendly.

NerdWallet users appreciate its completely free service. Furthermore, users can directly link their checking, savings, and investment accounts to the dashboard to monitor spending, net worth, and cash flow.

NerdWallet specializes in developing tools to assist its users in improving their financial decisions, from creating budgets and understanding credit scores to tracking expenses. Available both desktop and mobile, its app features the essential features from its website platform, such as showing net worth and cash flow summaries and providing links to calculators and financial products.

It offers a mortgage calculator.

NerdWallet’s website and app offer comparison tools, financial advice and help users create budgets. By linking your income, credit cards, bank accounts, and reward cards, it will track net worth, cash flow, and reward cards, calculating your debt-income ratio and credit score calculations.

NerdWallet strives to help individuals and small businesses make the best financial decisions possible. It does so through informative articles about finance, competitive loan rates, and offers for products like credit cards. Furthermore, its app lets users track their net worth, cash flow, and credit score – an invaluable service!

NerdWallet enjoys an outstanding reputation within the financial industry and consistently scores highly with Trustpilot, Shopper Approved, and Better Business Bureau ratings. However, Nerdwallet does make money through an affiliate program by referring customers to lenders and banks – this could result in hard inquiries being performed on your credit, although Nerdwallet will always try and disclose this upfront.