Homeopathy Medicine Shop Near Me in Kolkata


Homeopathy is a system of medicine involving highly diluted remedies. It is among the most frequently utilized alternative and complementary drugs worldwide, with limited scientific evidence of its efficacy but some clinical trials proving positive results.

BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery and is a five-year, full-time undergraduate program.

Treatment of Cancer

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that claims to treat an array of illnesses by using similar remedies in small doses to stimulate healing in the body. Many find relief through homeopathy treatment for arthritis, ear infections, headaches, and chronic issues like cancer.

Homeopaths are professionals trained to evaluate patients and prescribe treatments based on observations made themselves and on the medical histories and emotional histories of those they treat, taking into account emotions, attitudes, and lifestyle factors as part of the evaluation. Homeopathy therapy is commonly practiced in India and South America but has yet to gain FDA approval here in America; studies suggest a placebo effect could explain why some individuals feel better after taking homeopathic medicines. However, it’s important to remember that such remedies shouldn’t replace conventional medical advice.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees homeopathic products to ensure they are safe. Unfortunately, no scientific evidence supports their efficacy for treating any health conditions, including cancer; homeopathy’s principles don’t align with mainstream scientific understandings of how the world functions either.

For instance, Rhus Toxicodendron (or “Rhus tox”) can help relieve itching associated with poison ivy other skin rashes, and cough suppressing due to its purported anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, however, its active ingredients have never been studied extensively, and their impact is unlikely to have any bearing on symptoms treated by it.

Homeopaths may advise stopping standard treatments that cause unpleasant side effects, but this decision must be discussed with your physician first. Altering the course of your therapy could increase the risk of complications or delays in finding an accurate diagnosis or treatment option, so always tell them about any complementary or alternative health practices you employ so they can assist with providing advice for your care.

Treatment of Chronic Diseases

Homeopathy, a 200-year-old alternative medicine based on the idea that “like cures like,” claims to stimulate the body’s natural healing response by administering highly diluted preparations. Homeopaths treat each person holistically, considering factors like personality traits, lifestyle habits, and medical history – with more muscular symptoms demanding more vital medicines!

Homeopathic medicines are created from natural substances such as herbs and plants, minerals, and animal venom extracted through distillation or extraction and then diluted and shaken vigorously during a process known as potentization until no trace of its original substance remains in the remedy. Homeopaths believe this enhances effectiveness by stimulating our body’s natural defense mechanisms.

On your initial visit to a homeopath, they will conduct an in-depth interview about your health issues and family medical history while observing behavior and physical symptoms. A treatment plan may include liquid, granules, or prescribed tablets; additionally, they may recommend general diet and lifestyle modifications. People sometimes report temporary worsening of symptoms after commencing homeopathic medications – homeopaths view this as part of the healing process!

NHMRC states that, although homeopathy may be safe, people should not ignore established treatments. They should consult only registered practitioners when receiving homeopathic remedies and inform their doctors of any conventional or complementary care they are receiving. Homeopaths must also be mindful of their patients’ medications, as specific treatments could interact with certain drugs.

Homeopaths registered with the Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH). While naturopath is frequently used interchangeably with homeopath, these practitioners differ significantly. A naturopath does not possess the same training and certification as homeopaths, nor does NHMRC recognize them to receive rebates on ancillary health insurance benefits. Although both may work together effectively, communication must take place to ensure all treatment options are considered and that optimal results are achieved.

Treatment of Allergies and Asthma

Homeopathy relieves allergies and asthma by strengthening the immune system, increasing lung capacities, and decreasing symptoms like wheezing. Homeopathic medications for asthma include Arsenic album, Hepar sulphuricum, Natrum sulphuricum, and Medorrhinum – these can relieve attacks of suffocation and cough in both short-term and long-term relief regimes and may alleviate seasonal allergies like hay fever.

Homeopathic medicines are created from natural substances, including poison ivy, white arsenic, crushed whole bees, and arnica plants. Once prepared, treatments are diluted and shaken until more potency has been reached; homeopaths believe that this process transfers the healing essence of plants to their medicine, which may then be taken in water-soluble drops, gels, or pills for convenient administration.

The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these products, which may be dangerous when used to treat severe conditions. In addition, homeopathic remedies should not be seen as substitutes for vaccines – critics argue they’re simply placebos that help people feel better by stimulating specific brain areas to release chemicals that alleviate discomfort.

Homeopaths will conduct an in-depth interview regarding your health history, symptoms, and family background before prescribing an individualized remedy tailored to you based on individual strengths and weaknesses, emotional state, and physical sensitivities. They believe that physical ailments frequently have emotional or mental components that need addressing, too, with homeopathy stimulating the body’s natural healing response by selecting an adequate remedy.

Dust allergy is a type of asthma that results in sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and throat, and sneezing. Mold, mildew, and animal dander can all trigger an attack of dust allergy symptoms; homeopathy treatment for dust allergy can provide temporary relief while helping prevent future outbreaks.

Homeopathy has become increasingly popular as an option to treat allergies and asthma, but individuals must know what to look for when selecting their homeopath and suitable remedies. Never use homeopathy in emergencies such as heart disease or cancer, nor use “nosodes” (homeopathic “antibiotics” for viral or bacterial infections; evidence for their effectiveness may only exist due to the placebo effect).

Treatment of Digestive Disorders

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that employs highly diluted substances to treat illness. This practice has become famous for treating various conditions and is sold in health food stores and pharmacies. Studies have suggested homeopathy could assist with treating conditions like childhood diarrhea, ear infections, asthma attacks, and menopausal symptoms; however, it is wise to consult your healthcare provider before commencing any new treatments.

Homeopathic remedies contain various substances, including plants, minerals, and animal venom. Once extracted from their source materials, these ingredients are distilled and diluted multiple times through succussion (shaking). The remedy is shaken between each step in this process to enhance its energy and boost its potency; homeopaths believe these diluted substances stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Some studies have concluded that homeopathic medicines effectively treat digestive disorders; however, other research has not. Most of these studies were small, with flaws like low power or poor reporting of results; additionally, they do not examine long-term impacts.

Homeopathy remains controversial within medical science as scientists struggle to comprehend how such high concentrations of chemicals could have any biological benefit. Furthermore, some homeopathic products may interact with prescription medications – so be sure to inform your homeopath if you take medication!

Homeopathy medicine can be an effective treatment option for depression and anxiety. One study demonstrated this with patients taking homeopathic remedies showing improved emotional state and decreased panic attacks. Other benefits include reduced stress levels and improved sleep quality.

Although Homeopathic medicines often lack scientific support, Health Canada has approved several such products – both medication and herbal – as safe and effective at improving gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and constipation. Furthermore, many homeopathic remedies can now be purchased over the counter without a valid prescription from a healthcare professional. Consumer health products known as natural health products (NHPs) regulated by Health Canada must meet safety standards, while any health claims made on labels must be supported by evidence from research studies.