What You Should Know About Cranberries


Whether you’re looking to add a healthy snack to your diet or are just interested in what cranberries are, there are some things you should know before you make your decision. Cranberries, also called Vaccinium oxycoccos, are a variety of trailing vines.

PACs in cranberries may help teeth.

PACs in cranberries may help teeth by promoting dental health and helping prevent gum disease. PACs are natural compounds found in many plants and fruits, including cranberries. They also have antioxidant properties, which can help protect the body from infection.

Studies have shown that the PACs in cranberries may protect the teeth from bacteria that lead to tooth decay. However, there is limited evidence to back this up.

The PACs in cranberries may also promote the health of the urinary tract. Research has shown that they can break up biofilms on the bladder wall. This makes the bacterial cell wall more porous, which allows antibiotics to penetrate. This decreases the chance of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI).

They may prevent urinary tract infections.

Cranberries are among the foods and supplements that have been tested for the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, despite the widespread use of cranberries as a folk remedy for UTIs, it has been found that cranberry products are ineffective in preventing UTIs.

Researchers have found that the compounds in cranberries inhibit the adhesion of bacteria to the uroepithelial cells that line the bladder. These compounds may also interfere with the invasion of bacteria into the vagina. In vitro studies have shown that trans-cinnamaldehyde reduces E. coli attachment to the uroepithelial cell.

Despite the promising results from the research, scientists are still unsure exactly what compounds in cranberries are responsible for these effects. Some researchers believe that cranberries can inhibit bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract walls because they create a slippery coating.

They may help prevent colon and gastrointestinal cancers.

Several studies have shown that cranberries effectively inhibit colon and gastrointestinal cancers. However, many questions need to be answered about the mechanism of action of these compounds. In addition, clinical trials are required to evaluate the efficacy of cranberries in high-risk human populations. These studies must also determine the effects of cranberry consumption on the microbiome.

In vitro studies have shown that cranberry-derived extracts inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, these compounds affect the inflammatory and oxidative status of cells, the cell cycle kinetics, and the invasion of the extracellular matrix. These compounds also reduce the levels of TNFa and IL-6 in cancer cells.

In vivo studies have shown that cranberry extracts reduce tumor growth in several colorectal and stomach cancer animal models. In these studies, cranberry products were administered orally or intraperitoneally. The studies examined cranberry products that contain anthocyanins, ursolic acid, proanthocyanidins, polyphenols, and triterpenes.

They contain high levels of oxalate.

Fortunately, many fruits and vegetables are low in oxalate. However, the more oxalate-rich foods you eat, the more likely you are to form kidney stones. So it is essential to know which foods to avoid.

Some of the oxalate-rich foods include berries, nuts, and dried fruits. You’ll want to watch your portion sizes and track how much you spend on these treats. It’s important to note that oxalate is a natural compound found in plants. In addition to kidney stones, overeating oxalate can also cause renal inflammation. It’s also important to know that oxalates can bind to calcium in your body, increasing the risk of kidney stones.

Some high-oxalate fruits and vegetables include sweet potatoes, okra, yams, rhubarb, and beets. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber but contain oxalate.

They may interact with medications.

Several drugs can interact with cranberry, which is a popular beverage. If you are taking a medication, talk to your healthcare provider about how to best manage it. Cranberry juice may increase your medications’ effectiveness or increase your risk of bleeding.

Cranberry juice may interact with warfarin, the most common anticoagulation medication. The fluid may also increase the effect of warfarin by increasing the time it stays in your body. However, the mechanism by which the juice interacts with warfarin is unknown.

Cranberry juice may also interact with other drugs, including those broken down by your liver. However, there is not enough evidence to know if the effect of cranberry juice on your medications will increase the number of times they are broken down or how much of the drugs are broken down.