What Kind of Fan is Used in Greenhouses?


An effective fan system can help maintain uniform airflow throughout your greenhouse and regulate temperatures to optimize plant health and production. By selecting the appropriate fan type, positioning it properly, sizing it appropriately, and knowing when and how often it needs to operate, you can enhance its impact and impact both for health and production purposes. Find the best Greenhouse Ventilation Exhaust Circulation Fans.

Greenhouse fans also assist with pollination by gently shaking plants to allow natural wind-like pollination, particularly important when pollinating self-pollinating species like tomatoes.

Circulation Fans

Fans move air around a greenhouse, creating circulation and helping with ventilation. Circulation fans create uniform temperatures throughout, moving air through the canopy of plants to dry them and reduce diseases caused by moisture on leaves. Furthermore, circulation fans help lower heating costs in winter by lowering humidity levels for an improved climate – not only that but they’re essential in passively ventilated greenhouses as well as some types of glasshouses such as orchid houses where they remove excess heat from plants to help alleviate stress and prevent disease outbreaks.

Fans are an effective way to promote airflow within greenhouses of all sizes but are especially beneficial in smaller glasshouses without much natural ventilation or in hot, humid climates where condensation and disease are more likely. They are the primary component of an active ventilation system but may also assist passive venting strategies by moving air through its structure more freely.

Greenhouse ventilation fans come in all shapes, sizes, capacities, and power outputs. Most are rated according to how much air can be moved per minute using cubic feet per minute (CFM), with higher ratings signifying stronger fans.

Horizontal and vertical circulation fans are the two primary types of greenhouse ventilation fans. Horizontal fans are used to rapidly mix sun-heated air in greenhouses with cool outside air, helping even out large temperature variances between plants in the greenhouse. Vertical fans work similarly but are usually employed as an updraft system in greenhouses housing floors or bench crops.

Water-cooled fans offer another variation on the basic horizontal fan design by drawing cool air through an evaporative pad into the greenhouse, significantly lowering temperatures while simultaneously cooling crop temperatures and speeding plant growth by increasing carbon dioxide influx into its canopy. They are an excellent solution in dry climates because of this combined effect of significantly lowering greenhouse temperatures while cooling crops while simultaneously increasing rates of carbon dioxide entering.

Alternative greenhouse ventilation methods include air tube fans. A small fan installed in the ridge of a greenhouse uses pressurized air to inflate an attached perforated tube and bring in fresh, cool air from beneath its floor – this method works particularly well when coupled with tight greenhouse spaces where there are no open doors, crevices, or holes which might interfere with fan operation.

Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans are an effective tool in hot weather to reduce temperatures and enhance plant success. These powerful fans remove stale air while simultaneously creating negative pressure that draws fresh, cooler outdoor air in through vents and openings – helping bring down temperatures significantly while decreasing humidity levels as well. In conjunction with evaporative cooling equipment, exhaust fans can speed up this process even further and help bring down temperatures more rapidly.

For optimal ventilation results, exhaust fans should be located near the roof and opposite of door opening. They can be combined with circulation fans to maximize vent openings and improve airflow throughout your greenhouse. If your greenhouse lacks sidewall vents, installing extra exhaust fans might also help. It is also crucial that fans and vent openings remain clear from debris for optimal performance.

Another key element is selecting an appropriately sized fan system. Greenhouse fans are typically measured in terms of how much air they can move per minute (cfm), so in a typical greenhouse one complete air exchange every minute must occur to keep temperatures within acceptable parameters for your plants.

The use of a manometer is an ideal way to gauge the effectiveness of your ventilation system. A manometer measures static pressure, showing how much negative pressure is created when fans run. Low readings indicate insufficient airflow within your greenhouse while higher ones indicate too large fans or inadequate intake shutter openings are present.

One way to improve greenhouse ventilation is to integrate a thermostat with your fans. This creates a climate control system within your greenhouse that ensures temperature and humidity remain in perfect balance at all times. You can program the thermostat so fans activate once a certain temperature has been reached, then let it run automatically at its designated schedule.

Destratification Fans

Destratification fans are used in greenhouses to provide uniform airflow and prevent heat stratification, reduce wet patches that lead to disease, promote uniform plant growth, and facilitate pollination. They work by pulling cool air in from outside and moving it over the crops while simultaneously regulating temperature and controlling humidity variations – improving plant health while increasing pollination opportunities.

A fan designed to recirculate air circularly is far more effective at eliminating hot or cold pockets of air than simply blowing it around, helping evenly distribute sunlight throughout your growing area while simultaneously decreasing carbon dioxide requirements and maintaining optimal temperatures.

Fans generate a small vacuum effect, drawing in cool air through louvers, open doors, and cracks – especially important during the winter when heat loss can be substantial. Air movement also helps decrease frost risk.

Greenhouses must be fitted with a ventilation system capable of moving at least 1.7 square feet per 1,000 cubic feet fan capacity or 3,000 cfm, to effectively regulate temperature and humidity levels in their environment. A thermostat or controller should also be present within their setup to regulate how much air gets to each crop.

Ventilation in greenhouses is essential to plant quality, yet growers often make mistakes that compromise their effectiveness by misestimating fan capacity incorrectly spacing fans, or failing to clean them regularly. Such errors result in hundreds or even thousands of dollars wasted that could have been saved through improved air circulation and better maintenance of ventilation systems.

Greenhouses should be regularly inspected for air leakage and to make sure they remain tightly closed throughout winter months, to maintain optimal air quality and ensure the greenhouse remains properly sealed during this crucial season. Inspection can be accomplished using a simple manometer; results may differ between greenhouses depending on size, shape, covering material used, and sun intensity.

Heat Recovery Fans

Many greenhouses are designed with only limited air movement, yet this is often not enough to adequately regulate temperature, humidity, or disease issues. By using fans to provide adequate ventilation for plants to grow at their optimum levels and help remove moisture while dissipating heat efficiently a fan system not only enhances overall quality and saves on energy costs but can also decrease overall costs significantly.

Fans are widely used in greenhouses today as an effective means of circulating air and eliminating excess carbon dioxide from growing areas. Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis; as plants absorb it, its levels diminish from nearby leaves. By moving air around, new CO2-rich air containing an equal level can replace it and allow plants to continue responding without depleting their supply. HAF fans have become incredibly popular as an energy-saving and crop production enhancer solution – thus saving on costs while simultaneously increasing crop output.

Greenhouse fans are usually installed in the ridge or end wall, where they can move both hot and cool air efficiently. Their placement depends on your greenhouse size and layout – anywhere between 10′-15′ from its end wall may suffice, depending on whether the end wall can support this feat of engineering. They can also be situated within its gable or at a lower height nearer the ground for even better air circulation.

Ventilation in greenhouses is essential, allowing warm, stagnant air to escape while simultaneously bringing in cooler fresh air from outside. By pairing ventilation fans with an evaporative cooler, cool outside air can be pre-cooled before it enters the greenhouse to help ensure temperatures don’t become too extreme.

For fans to be effective, their intake louver area must cover at least 1/4th of their fan capacity. Motorized louvers should also be installed where air temperature is highest so the fan can effectively push hot air from within the greenhouse out through vents.

Destratification fans are employed in warmer regions to mix layers of hot greenhouse air that accumulate near the ceiling, redistributing it across lower portions of the house. They can be combined with hinged vents or the new guillotine-style vent which opens from below so that cold outside air is conditioned by the fan before entering the greenhouse.