What is Fox Business Network All About?


Last week, Fox Business Network unveiled an expansive view of business that transcends markets. Business includes everything from your checkbook and store price tags to your hopes for better employment and paying down credit card debt.

AllSides reviewers found that content frequently featured negativity bias, with articles featuring voices critical of Biden’s push for renewable energy and assurances from AllSides that free enterprise is working just fine. However, AllSides attempts to assure viewers that free enterprise works well.

It’s about business.

Fox Business has recently made waves since debuting, quickly making an impression with its comprehensive vision of what a company represents: not simply investment strategies or market movements; instead, it covers everything from your checkbook and retail price tags to dreams for better employment. Fox’s innovative take is making headlines — especially since CNBC had long been seen as an archrival to Fox.

Petterson, who came over from Fox News Channel, says her goal at MSNBC is not only to stay current on corporate earnings and other headlines relating to business news but also to focus on the larger picture. She wants anchors from MSNBC discussing “kitchen table issues” like managing 401Ks or paying college tuition and how government policy could impact them.

To that end, she is considering creating a discussion show inspired by those seen on her sister network’s hits. She believes it could draw viewers away from rival networks by allowing them to discuss issues among peers.

It’s about the economy.

Fox Business offers viewers an intimate window into the business world. While CNBC takes viewers into Wall Street, Fox Business provides an approachable yet familiar view of capitalism: half full or overflowing!

FBN personalities have long advocated the “kitchen table” economy – from middle-class hardship to the impact of government policies on everyday Americans. Although this approach may not draw large audiences, it keeps FBN relevant in an environment where cable subscriptions continue to decline, and competition for television viewers grows stronger.

FBN recently unveiled The Bottom Line, a daily newscast hosted by former Republican congressman Sean Duffy and Dagen McDowell covering major issues in business and politics from 6 PM ET until 1 PM ET. Brian Brenberg and Jackie DeAngelis co-hosted Bloomberg TV’s daily market news show that covered stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities; FBN will host The Big Money Show from 1 to 3 PM ET as an additional new program at 1 PM ET with them co-hosting it together as co-hosts at 1 PM ET for their debut program called 1 pm ET The Big Money Show which covers significant issues related to business and politics as it occurs at 6 PM ET each night from 6 PM ET until 1 pm ET; at 1 pm ET they will host Brian Brenberg and Jackie DeAngelis have joined FBN from Bloomberg TV where they previously co-anchored a daily market news show featuring coverage of equities, bonds currencies and commodities markets before they departed for FBN!

It’s about politics.

Petterson has transformed Fox Business, shifting its emphasis back onto politics and opinion programming like its larger sister channel Fox News Channel. Morning shows such as Maria Bartiromo’s are designed to mirror Fox & Friends in style and content. Evening programming on Fox Business includes various programs comparable to those found at FNC; Fox Business also serves as an essential training ground for those aspiring to more prominent roles at its parent company; Shepard Smith and Greg Gutfeld are regularly leading their hours on this network.

Fox Business programming under both Petterson and her predecessors shows an aggressive campaign to attack liberal media, “snowflake” millennials and Black Lives Matter protesters. For instance, Stuart Varney of Fox Business often promotes voter fraud conspiracies sourced from the fringe blog Gateway Pundit; on the AllSides Bias Rating system the network received a Lean Right bias rating.

It’s about people.

Under Petterson’s leadership, FBN’s business news brand reflects a belief that capitalism remains optimistically on course despite occasional setbacks; its shows seek to demonstrate this point. Free enterprise still works regardless of individual outcomes, according to these shows.

Bloomberg Television and CNBC offer similar programming schedules, with programs aligning closely to Fox News shows in time slots. Some shows, such as Neil Cavuto appearing on Fox News and Fox Business in the early afternoons and Melissa Francis co-hosting After the Bell and Outnumbered on Fox News, can even overlap.

Fox Business also hosts more substantial interviews with guests like JP Morgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon or Bank of America’s Brian Moynihan of Bank of America focusing on issues like college tuition costs or managing one’s 401K and how these “kitchen table” concerns are affected by government policies. Its daytime political debate is generally civil with its Lean Right bias being evident through topics and guests; daytime discussions also reflect this slight right bias with Lean Right hosts appearing regularly and new advertisers such as Stellantis’ Dodge Ram from Stellantis’ Dodge Ram as well as bedding company Boll & Branch signing on for primetime shows American Built and Mansion Global respectively.