What is a Carrier Summary?


Virginia Franco, founder and contributor for Forbes Contributor Services, is here today to talk about her resume writing business – Virginia Franco Resumes.

This summary is highly effective; it succinctly details all aspects of experience in an easily consumable format and emphasizes hard and soft skills while including various keywords to pass automated job application software.

However, this could be strengthened by including quantified achievements – this will lend more credence to any claims that the applicant can increase sales.

Examples of carrier summaries

A practical career summary includes specific goals and marketable skills demonstrating your worth to employers. Unfortunately, this example falls short as the applicant does not indicate which position they’re applying for, and their experience seems generic; such as their mention of improving processes and increasing sales – to make this statement stronger, revenue stats or the names of companies for which this feat has been accomplished would strengthen it considerably.

Another strength of this sample resume is its clarity in identifying an experienced, dedicated, and passionate senior administrative assistant candidate. Furthermore, it names previous employers and shows an understanding of company culture – helping hiring managers quickly grasp what this candidate can bring to their workplace.