Top 5 Best Professions In The UK Army


If you’re considering recruiting, re-enlistment, as well as making a job alteration in the army, you have limitless careers for you to make a good income. As a British army soldier, you can work in conflict zones around the world, and even go on peacekeeping missions. Also, your job may mean lots of international travel no matter the hostility of your destination. Army soldiers should be physically and mentally fit to form an efficient team. With different job roles in the UK army, you could work in the following areas:

Operations manager

The Operations Manager plans missions, as well as making sure their teams have all things to succeed. Even tough duties vary, there’s always preparation, directing security and force protection. Also, the Operations Manager is in control of drafting approval training directives, as well as operations orders. He or she prepares routine correspondence and deals with complex matters for approval.

Combat medic

In a battle field, a combat medic is the one who offers emergency medical treatmen. The medic also ensures the health of soldiers and evacuation for further treatment. Also, they are allocated to deploy with combat units, as well as treat armed forces in combat zones. Another thing they do is giving emergency medical treatment. In fact, they help with outpatient and inpatient care while getting patients ready for shots, medications, and operation. 

Human resource specialist

This position assists soldiers to develop army careers. It involves responsibilities, such as assisting all HR support issues, as well as supervising strength management and distribution actions. As a Human Resource Specialist, you’ll  oversee the willingness, well-being and safety of every soldier.  You’ll also maintain emergency notification data, prepare for orders, keep personnel records for offers, and process solders for retirement.

Counterintelligence agent

Counterintelligence special agents usually conduct investigations, as well as analysis to spot and counter global terrorist threats. This position allows you to conduct any type of investigations, ranging from radicalism to treason and spying. In order to collect evidence for a case, you’ll need to use video , as well as audio recording. Also, you may need photographic and surveillance in the same job. This is why CI agents neutralize and exploit counterintelligence targets.

Cyber operations specialist

If you’ve specialized in this, you’ll conduct offensive cyberspace operations, as well as  defensive operations to safeguard data and networks. You’ll also gather, investigate and report digital data. In this career, you’ll provide intelligence and network support. The reason for this is to  safeguard the cyber domain and assess the network security operations. In addition, you’ll maintain network defense tool, such as routers, firewalls and perform network terrain audits.


If you are looking for a job in the UK Army, the above list can help you to choose your right fit. You only need to have the will and power to fit in the job description. Also, you should have passion to carry out tasks assigned to you effectively.