Healthcare Management Review – Chapter 3


Healthcare Management Review is a journal published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd., a publishing company based in the United States. It covers health management issues, including organizational behavior and financial incentives. It also has a call for papers. It is well-rated for indexing and abstracting and meets its referencing goals.

Chapter 3 of Healthcare Management Review

The third chapter of the Healthcare Management Review focuses on the importance of health information management. It describes how to implement an electronic health record system and integrate it with HIPAA regulations and other standards. Using this chapter as a guide, you will better understand the role of health information in your organization.

Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance

The impact of leadership styles on organizational performance has been debated in the healthcare industry. Although there are similarities in all styles, there are also differences. Some types of leadership are more collaborative than others, while others are more transactional. Both types of leadership can have positive effects on patient satisfaction. According to the results of one study, organizations with a high percentage of clinical engagement experienced lower hospital-acquired infections and higher patient satisfaction.

The study also found that healthcare managers with more experience were more likely to provide effective leadership than their less experienced counterparts. This finding is consistent with other studies conducted in India, Ethiopia, and South Africa. This finding supports theories that managers with more experience have more self-efficacy and can solve problems.

The impact of leadership styles on organizational performance in healthcare was studied in four categories. They include planning, regulation, coordination, and management. These leadership styles influence organizational production, culture, and staff integration. These factors are related to a healthcare organization’s ability to deliver quality care.

The results indicate that transformational leadership can improve the quality of care. However, the impact is weak to moderate. The study suggests that these styles should be improved through education, experience, and professional development. Nevertheless, the effects of transformational leadership on healthcare quality should be further explored.

Financial incentives to perform self-management support

Using financial incentives to perform self-management support in healthcare is not new. Many healthcare interventions have used this approach. However, little is known about how these incentives work. One possible explanation is that self-management is not an easy task, and it takes time and effort to change behavior. However, financial incentives can help reduce present bias and increase self-management behavior.

Some studies have examined the effects of financial incentives on diabetes self-management. These studies show that financial incentives can help patients improve their glucose self-monitoring behaviors. For example, a study conducted by Polonsky et al. identified three types of avoidance behaviors for glucose self-monitoring: forgetting, lack of time, and reminders about diabetes. These behaviors were related to low glucose testing frequency. In addition, these avoidance behaviors may predict low self-care behaviors in diabetes.

Self-management support is a crucial strategy for reducing the burden of chronic diseases. Research has shown that facilitating self-management can improve health outcomes and patient quality of life. Some countries have even developed policies aimed at supporting self-management. However, the effectiveness of these policies has not been thoroughly evaluated.

Financial incentives to perform self-management support in health care are becoming increasingly popular. They can help employees achieve specific health outcomes, such as quitting smoking and losing weight. However, financial incentives in healthcare should be carefully considered before implementing them. The effectiveness of these incentives depends on the type of incentives used and the complexity of the behavior. As a result, different health behaviors may require different incentives, such as vaccinations and weight loss. Increasingly, employers are incorporating such strategies into their wellness programs. According to Fidelity Investments and the National Business Group on Health, almost ninety percent of employers now use financial incentives to support health and wellness.