
Marijuana with a high THC content can result in long-term chronic mental health problems.

Smoking cannabis was ubiquitous in the 1960s. There was a cultural revolution taking place. Most people who smoked marijuana back then eventually grew out of it and went on to establish children and live everyday lives in American culture. Only around 10% of individuals over 25 became addicted; the majority stopped. Yes, some went on to try more potent drugs like LSD, heroin, or acid, which is why some believe marijuana to be a ‘gateway’ drug. The 1960s were a wild era. Read the Best info about GOLD COAST CLEAR CARTS.

Those who stayed in the party environment typically progressed to cocaine as their recreational drug, becoming popular in the United States in the mid-1970s and early 1980s. Then there was and still is the “war on drugs” (cite 1).

In the 1960s, younger users, those who began using in their mid to late teens, had more excellent rates of addiction, ranging from 15 to 17%. We now know that it was because their adolescent brain was still evolving, and the constant usage of THC from all those afternoons ‘ditching school’ damaged their brain development. In essence, THC rewired their brain, causing them to become reliant.

Marijuana today is more potent and causes more concern.

THC is the active element in marijuana that causes you to become high. Believe us when we say that today’s hybrid marijuana is significantly more concentrated than pot from the past. Indeed, one of the reasons marijuana is being legalized is that those who tried it in the 1960s didn’t find it all that dangerous. Many have grown up and become politically involved, with some even becoming policymakers. Presidents have now admitted to smoking it. Marijuana has a long and illustrious history (cite: 2).

Proponents of marijuana legalization frequently claim that alcohol is significantly more addictive and has killed far more people, especially when all alcohol-related car accidents are considered. But, of course, statistics cannot be argued against. Proponents also claim that we can legalize and tax marijuana and solve our issues. No, not exactly.

This may appear to be a fair evaluation in the minds of people who tried it or smoked it frequently in the 1960s, but things have changed dramatically. If we’re talking about ancient marijuana, it’s relatively safe compared to some of the new stuff accessible in jurisdictions where it’s legal.

THC levels in this new marijuana are exceptionally high. For example, most marijuana used in the 1960s was low in THC, with the most potent of the day clocking in at around 6% compared to some of today’s extreme hybrid marijuana clocking in at about 30%.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a neurotoxin.

Tetrahydrocannabinol is a crystalline molecule and the primary active ingredient in cannabis. Because the body naturally produces cannabinoid compounds, tetrahydrocannabinol is absorbed by the brain’s cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoid receptors are present in brain areas associated with coordination, pleasure, memory, time perception, and reasoning. This is how THC makes you feel high.

Marketers of today’s hybrid marijuana tout the proportion of THC potency as a benefit because it gets you high faster and more extended. That may be fine if your primary purpose is to get high, but it’s a long-term net negative if you value your thinking.

How Harmful Is Marijuana Use to One’s Mental Health?

Marijuana use has been associated with severe mental health problems and psychiatric diseases. The study is thorough and rather conclusive. Depression, anxiety, reliance (addiction), psychosis, schizophrenia, dementia, and early-onset Alzheimer’s are only a few issues. Most of these studies are statistical. Remember that much of the research was done on people who smoked older marijuana, not the current super-concentrated hybrid marijuana that is exceptionally rich in THC.

Those who smoke high-concentrated marijuana daily are 500% more likely to have mental health problems. If you have specific genes, your chances of having psychosis or schizophrenia increase by the same amount. Are you concerned yet? Not to alarm anyone, but this is serious business. If you smoke marijuana regularly and use high-potency marijuana, you should stop before you completely ruin your brain.

What Are the Consequences of Using High-Potency Marijuana?

High-potency marijuana has numerous cognitive and brain-related adverse effects. Some are temporarily sought after by persons seeking to get high. Some are regarded as unfavorable side effects by users, yet they are justified as worth it for the joy of partaking in and experiencing the temporary high. Let’s talk about these adverse side effects, shall we?

Short-term memory impairment will occur during use and intoxication. Expect difficulties paying attention or making decisions. You will have shaky coordination, an elevated heart rate, and a touch of paranoia. Your ability to learn will be hampered once you are no longer intoxicated and occasionally even while drunk. You will have trouble sleeping, and your coordination will be less than ideal.

If you continue to use high-potency marijuana daily or regularly, you may become dependent (addicted). You may lose a few IQ points, especially if you began in your mid-teens or early twenties (cite: 3), and you may have a persistent learning problem. You will almost certainly struggle with memory, possibly short- and long-term memory. According to statistical surveys, your chances of becoming hooked to other drugs or alcohol are roughly fivefold higher. If you have a specific gene set, you may get schizophrenia. If you don’t obtain the care you need right away, you can develop bipolar disorder (cite: 4). Your brain will eventually be unable to think coherently.

If you smoke marijuana for an extended period, you will have lung difficulties that will worsen with time. In addition, certain additives and chemicals may not mix well if you vape your THC, and not all vaping cartridge solutions are the same – if you obtain the wrong ones and use them too many times, you might ruin your lungs and die.

Read Also: How Long Does Marijuana Last In Your System?



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